1. Exercise: Node and NPM
Install Node and NPM
1.1. Steps: Node and NPM
You might use NVM (Node Version Manager) or Node Env (nodenv) to install Node and NPM |
1.2. Validation
1.3. Takeaway
In this exercise, you set up Node and NPM
2. Exercise: NVM Features
Install and use NVM
2.1. Steps: NVM Features
nvm install
nvm use
2.2. Validation
You should be able to install some Node versions.
Please end this exercise with Node 18.9.1 (the current version at moment at writing)
3. Exercise: Angular CLI
Install the Angular CLI
Start that scaffolded app
You can run node and npm commmands
3.1. Steps: Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
3.2. Validation
ng new carApp cd carApp ng serve
Open a browser to http://localhost:4200
You should see an Overview Angular application
3.3. Takeaway
In this exercise, you set up Angular CLI and performed the first basic commands and tested that you were able to start the app
4. Exercise: Domain class
Create a domain class using 'ng generate class …'
Modify the properties
4.1. Steps: Domain class
Create the domain class car
Modify the properties
4.2. Validation
You should end with a file car.ts which holds the car
5. Exercise: Intermezzo: Installing json-server
Install the json server
5.1. Steps: Intermezzo: Installing json-server
See the instruction in the demo part of this topic
5.2. Takeaway
json-server db.son
6. Exercise: CarsComponent
Create a component which renders the cars
6.1. Install CarsComponent
Unresolved directive in exercises.adoc - include::/home/rloman/repo/personal/planner/ui/src/app/carsComponent/exercise/app.js[]
I action
The expectation
6.2. Setup CarsComponent
6.3. Steps: CarsComponent
6.4. Validation
this might be optional and might be repeated below (in bonus and optional)
6.5. Takeaway
In this exercise, you set up basic examples of cluster routing intended for use with stateful and stateless deployments receiving traffic from inside or outside your cluster.
6.6. Bonus Exercise ???
You might add a bonus exercise here
6.7. (Optional) Uninstalling CarsComponent
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